Index of all elements
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- AbstractDbApplication
- in file AbstractDbApplication.php, class AbstractDbApplication
This basic console application provides the ability to bootstrap the Zend_Db resource. Derive this class to use the applications db resource (see application/configs/application.ini).
- acceptVisitor
- in file Folder.php, method MediaSearch_File_Folder::acceptVisitor()
Implements MediaSearch_Interface_Visitable.
- acceptVisitor
- in file File.php, method MediaSearch_File_File::acceptVisitor()
Implements MediaSearch_Interface_Visitable.
- acceptVisitor
- in file Visitable.php, method MediaSearch_Interface_Visitable::acceptVisitor()
Acceptps any visitor implementing MediaSearch_Interface_Visitor.
- add
- in file List.php, method MediaSearch_Scan_List::add()
- add
- in file Log.php, method MediaSearch_Log::add()
Adds log backends. You can add as man as you want.
- addFile
- in file Folder.php, method MediaSearch_File_Folder::addFile()
Adds files as childs to the node.
- addFileCriteria
- in file KeyWords.php, method MediaSearch_Index_KeyWords::addFileCriteria()
- addFilter
- in file AbstractChain.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_AbstractChain::addFilter()
Adds a filter object to the cahin.
- addParseOption
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Abstract::addParseOption()
- addParseOption
- in file Interface.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Interface::addParseOption()
With this method you can add some parse options. These are objects
- addParseOptions
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Abstract::addParseOptions()
Adds multiple parse options in an array.
- addScannedFile
- in file Visitor.php, method MediaSearch_File_Visitor::addScannedFile()
Adds a MediaSearch_Scan_FileMeta object to the scanned files list object.
- in file Log.php, class constant MediaSearch_Log::ALL
Enables all loglevels together.
- in file Engine.php, class constant MediaSearch_Search_Engine::ALL
- in file Query.php, class constant MediaSearch_Search_Query::ALLOWED_QUOTE
- applayParseOptions
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Abstract::applayParseOptions()
Apply the added parse options to the data parsed by parseData().
- AbstractDbApplication.php
- procedural page AbstractDbApplication.php
- Abstract.php
- procedural page Abstract.php
- Abstract.php
- procedural page Abstract.php
- AbstractChain.php
- procedural page AbstractChain.php
- Abstract.php
- procedural page Abstract.php
- Abstract.php
- procedural page Abstract.php
- AbstractMapper.php
- procedural page AbstractMapper.php
- Abstract.php
- procedural page Abstract.php
- $creationDate
- in file FileMeta.php, variable MediaSearch_Scan_FileMeta::$creationDate
- CreateTablesApplication.php
- procedural page CreateTablesApplication.php
- construct
- in file TreeFactory.php, method MediaSearch_File_TreeFactory::construct()
MediaSearch_Interface_Factory implementation.
- construct
- in file Factory.php, method MediaSearch_Interface_Factory::construct()
Each faytory need to implement this method as main entry point. This method should create in some way that object(s) you want from the factory.
- convertToModels
- in file KeyWords.php, method MediaSearch_Index_KeyWords::convertToModels()
- count
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Model_Abstract::count()
Counts how much objects are persistent available.
- count
- in file Engine.php, method MediaSearch_Search_Engine::count()
- count
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Model_DbTable_Abstract::count()
Counts the rows in the database table.
- count
- in file List.php, method MediaSearch_Scan_List::count()
- count
- in file AbstractMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_AbstractMapper::count()
Returns the count of data rows in the db table.
- createConfig
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Abstract::createConfig()
Factory method which creates a proper config file implementation depending on its type. The type is determined by the filename extension (@see MediaSearch_File_Util::getExtension()).
- createModel
- in file KeyWordMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_KeyWordMapper::createModel()
Sets up a given model object with the data in the row array.
- createModel
- in file AbstractMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_AbstractMapper::createModel()
Sets up a given model object with the data in the row array.
- createModel
- in file FileMetaMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMetaMapper::createModel()
Sets up a given model object with the data in the row array.
- createModelFromRowSet
- in file KeyWordMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_KeyWordMapper::createModelFromRowSet()
Creates model objectes from multiple rows.
- createModelFromRowSet
- in file AbstractMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_AbstractMapper::createModelFromRowSet()
Creates model objectes from multiple rows.
- createModelFromRowSet
- in file FileMetaMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMetaMapper::createModelFromRowSet()
Creates model objectes from multiple rows.
- CreateTablesApplication
- in file CreateTablesApplication.php, class CreateTablesApplication
Creates the two neccessary tables FileMeta and KeyWord.
- current
- in file List.php, method MediaSearch_Scan_List::current()
- ConfigLoader.php
- procedural page ConfigLoader.php
- Chain.php
- procedural page Chain.php
- Chain.php
- procedural page Chain.php
- Command.php
- procedural page Command.php
- Cli.php
- procedural page Cli.php
- $fileInfo
- in file Abstract.php, variable MediaSearch_File_Abstract::$fileInfo
Holds the SplFileInfo object.
- $fileName
- in file FileMeta.php, variable MediaSearch_Scan_FileMeta::$fileName
- $filePath
- in file FileMeta.php, variable MediaSearch_Scan_FileMeta::$filePath
- $fileSize
- in file FileMeta.php, variable MediaSearch_Scan_FileMeta::$fileSize
- $fileType
- in file FileMeta.php, variable MediaSearch_Scan_FileMeta::$fileType
- fatal
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Log_Abstract::fatal()
- fatal
- in file Log.php, method MediaSearch_Log::fatal()
Call this method to log a fatal message.
- fatal
- in file Interface.php, method MediaSearch_Log_Interface::fatal()
- in file Log.php, class constant MediaSearch_Log::FATAL
Enables loglevel fatal.
- fetchAll
- in file AbstractMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_AbstractMapper::fetchAll()
- fetchAll
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Model_Abstract::fetchAll()
Fetches all objects and returns in an array.
- find
- in file FileMetaMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMetaMapper::find()
Finds an file meta in the persistant layer by its id an loads it in the given model object.
- find
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Model_Abstract::find()
Finds a object by the id and loads itself.
- find
- in file KeyWordMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_KeyWordMapper::find()
Finds an keyword in the persistant layer by its id an loads it in the given model object.
- findByIdAndTypes
- in file FileMetaMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMetaMapper::findByIdAndTypes()
Finds data by id. You can optionaly provide type ids.
- findByIdAndTypes
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::findByIdAndTypes()
Finds data objects by an array of ids and optional types.
- findByKeyWords
- in file KeyWord.php, method MediaSearch_Model_KeyWord::findByKeyWords()
Finds key word objects by their keyword. An array of keywords is expected.
- findByKeyWords
- in file KeyWordMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_KeyWordMapper::findByKeyWords()
Finds key words by keywords given in the array.
- findByKeyWords
- in file KeyWord.php, method MediaSearch_Model_DbTable_KeyWord::findByKeyWords()
Finds rows by multiple keywords.
- findConsoleParameters
- in file ScannerApplication.php, method ScannerApplication::findConsoleParameters()
Listen to option -d with a following string which is the scanned directory. Also listen to -c to clear the file meta table beforre saving.
- findConsoleParameters
- in file IndexerApplication.php, method IndexerApplication::findConsoleParameters()
Checks for the option -c. If set the existing index will be deleted: @see IndexerApplication::$clearIndexTable
- fromObject
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Scan_FileMeta::fromObject()
- File.php
- procedural page File.php
- Folder.php
- procedural page Folder.php
- Factory.php
- procedural page Factory.php
- File.php
- procedural page File.php
- FileMeta.php
- procedural page FileMeta.php
- FileMeta.php
- procedural page FileMeta.php
- FileMeta.php
- procedural page FileMeta.php
- FileMetaMapper.php
- procedural page FileMetaMapper.php
- get
- in file Trim.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_Trim::get()
Returns th einstance of this class.
- get
- in file RemoveShortStrings.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveShortStrings::get()
Returns th einstance of this class.
- get
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Abstract::get()
- get
- in file ToLowerCase.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_ToLowerCase::get()
Returns th einstance of this class.
- get
- in file Tag.php, method MediaSearch_Id3_Tag::get()
Returns a ID3 tag by its name. If the ta gis not setted or does not exists this method returns null.
- get
- in file Interface.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Interface::get()
Returns a config value from the loaded and parsed configuration by its index. The index could be a string or integer. Thats depending on the implemention of the config file types and your parse options.
- get
- in file RemoveNumbers.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveNumbers::get()
Returns th einstance of this class.
- get
- in file BlackList.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_BlackList::get()
Returns th einstance of this class.
- get
- in file ConfigLoader.php, method MediaSearch_ConfigLoader::get()
Main entry point to get a config object according to its name, if find.
- get
- in file RemoveDuplicates.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveDuplicates::get()
Returns th einstance of this class.
- get
- in file PathRemover.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_PathRemover::get()
Returns th einstance of this class.
- get
- in file Query.php, method MediaSearch_Search_Query::get()
- getCreationDate
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::getCreationDate()
Returns the creation date.
- getDbTable
- in file AbstractMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_AbstractMapper::getDbTable()
Returns the atabase table gateway object.
- getExtension
- in file Util.php, method MediaSearch_File_Util::getExtension()
Returns the trailing part beginning at the last . in the sting.
- getFileList
- in file Visitor.php, method MediaSearch_File_Visitor::getFileList()
Returns the scanned file list object with all collected data.
- getFileMetaIds
- in file KeyWord.php, method MediaSearch_Model_KeyWord::getFileMetaIds()
Returns the file meta ids.
- getFileName
- in file Interface.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Interface::getFileName()
Returns the file name of the config file.
- getFileName
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Abstract::getFileName()
- getFileName
- in file File.php, method MediaSearch_Log_File::getFileName()
- getFileName
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::getFileName()
Returns the file name.
- getFilePath
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::getFilePath()
Returns the file path.
- getFiles
- in file Folder.php, method MediaSearch_File_Folder::getFiles()
Returns the files if there are any
- getFileSize
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::getFileSize()
Returns the file size in bytes.
- getFileType
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::getFileType()
Returns the file type.
- getFilters
- in file AbstractChain.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_AbstractChain::getFilters()
Returns the filters.
- getHelpMessage
- in file CreateTablesApplication.php, method CreateTablesApplication::getHelpMessage()
- getHelpMessage
- in file ScannerApplication.php, method ScannerApplication::getHelpMessage()
- getHelpMessage
- in file IndexerApplication.php, method IndexerApplication::getHelpMessage()
- getId
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Model_Abstract::getId()
Returns the unique id.
- getKeyWord
- in file KeyWord.php, method MediaSearch_Model_KeyWord::getKeyWord()
Returns the keywords as coma separated string.
- getKeyWords
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::getKeyWords()
Returns the keywords.
- getLastUpdate
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::getLastUpdate()
Returns the last update date.
- getLevel
- in file Interface.php, method MediaSearch_Log_Interface::getLevel()
- getLevel
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Log_Abstract::getLevel()
- getLevel
- in file Log.php, method MediaSearch_Log::getLevel()
Returns the global log level.
- getMapper
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Model_Abstract::getMapper()
Returns the database mappper obejct.
- getModificationDate
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::getModificationDate()
Returns the modification date.
- getPreamble
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Log_Abstract::getPreamble()
- getPreamble
- in file File.php, method MediaSearch_Log_File::getPreamble()
- getRawData
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Abstract::getRawData()
- getRawData
- in file Interface.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Interface::getRawData()
Returns the string from the loaded config file.
- getResults
- in file Engine.php, method MediaSearch_Search_Engine::getResults()
- getType
- in file File.php, method MediaSearch_File_File::getType()
Returns the type according to the class constants named by TYPE_*.
- getUsage
- in file IndexerApplication.php, method IndexerApplication::getUsage()
- getUsage
- in file ScannerApplication.php, method ScannerApplication::getUsage()
- getVersion
- in file Tag.php, method MediaSearch_Id3_Tag::getVersion()
Returns the version of ID3 tags this file has.
- $index
- in file List.php, variable MediaSearch_Scan_List::$index
- IndexerApplication.php
- procedural page IndexerApplication.php
- IndexController.php
- procedural page IndexController.php
- indexAction
- in file IndexController.php, method IndexController::indexAction()
Index action. Shows the count of keywords and indexed files.
- IndexController
- in file IndexController.php, class IndexController
Default index controller.
- IndexerApplication
- in file IndexerApplication.php, class IndexerApplication
This application generates the keyword index by the information found in the FileMeta table.
- in file Log.php, class constant MediaSearch_Log::INFO
Enables loglevel info.
- info
- in file Interface.php, method MediaSearch_Log_Interface::info()
- info
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Log_Abstract::info()
- info
- in file Log.php, method MediaSearch_Log::info()
Call this method to log a info message.
- init
- in file IndexController.php, method IndexController::init()
Inititialize json context to search action.
- isEmpty
- in file Query.php, method MediaSearch_Search_Query::isEmpty()
- isEnabled
- in file Log.php, method MediaSearch_Log::isEnabled()
Determines if the given loglevel is enabled in the global loglevel.
- isEnabled
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Log_Abstract::isEnabled()
- isMp3
- in file Tag.php, method MediaSearch_Id3_Tag::isMp3()
Checks the given file name string if it has the file name extension 'mp3'.
- isType
- in file File.php, method MediaSearch_File_File::isType()
This mthod provides two functions:
- isVersion
- in file Tag.php, method MediaSearch_Id3_Tag::isVersion()
Tells you if this file is of a version.
- Interface.php
- procedural page Interface.php
- Interface.php
- procedural page Interface.php
- Interface.php
- procedural page Interface.php
- Interface.php
- procedural page Interface.php
- Interface.php
- procedural page Interface.php
- Interface.php
- procedural page Interface.php
- $modificationDate
- in file FileMeta.php, variable MediaSearch_Scan_FileMeta::$modificationDate
- MediaSearch_ConfigLoader
- in file ConfigLoader.php, class MediaSearch_ConfigLoader
This class loads configs from a given directory recursivly.
- MediaSearch_Config_Abstract
- in file Abstract.php, class MediaSearch_Config_Abstract
This is a default implementaion of a config file. It provides general purpose methods for the concrete config file objects.
- MediaSearch_Config_Interface
- in file Interface.php, class MediaSearch_Config_Interface
- MediaSearch_Config_Json
- in file Json.php, class MediaSearch_Config_Json
A concrete implemetation for JSON config files. The file can contain any JSON string. The filename extensions need to be .json.
- MediaSearch_Config_ParseOptions_Interface
- in file Interface.php, class MediaSearch_Config_ParseOptions_Interface
Objects implementing this interface can be added to objects of type
- MediaSearch_Config_ParseOptions_SplitTextByLineBreak
- in file SplitTextByLineBreak.php, class MediaSearch_Config_ParseOptions_SplitTextByLineBreak
This concrete implementaion of a parse option splits the given input string by any linebreak and returns an array.
- MediaSearch_Config_Php
- in file Php.php, class MediaSearch_Config_Php
A concrete implemetation for PHP config files. The file need to contain a return statement of any PHP variable. The filename extensions need to be .php.
- MediaSearch_Config_Sql
- in file Sql.php, class MediaSearch_Config_Sql
A concrete implemetation for SQL config files. The file can contain any SQL statement. The filename extensions need to be .sql.
- MediaSearch_Config_Text
- in file Text.php, class MediaSearch_Config_Text
A concrete implemetation for text config files. The file can contain any text string. The filename extensions need to be .txt.
- MediaSearch_Exception
- in file Exception.php, class MediaSearch_Exception
Project wide base exception class.
- MediaSearch_File_Abstract
- in file Abstract.php, class MediaSearch_File_Abstract
An abstract file implemetnation. Thats part of tee composite pattern (see GoF for more information) used to build a file tree.
- MediaSearch_File_File
- in file File.php, class MediaSearch_File_File
Concrete implementation of a file. Objects of this type are leafes in a file tree. A file can have a type (see class constants). The type of a file is determined by its file name extension.
- MediaSearch_File_Folder
- in file Folder.php, class MediaSearch_File_Folder
Concrete implementation of a folder. Objects of this type are nodes in a file tree. A folder can have some files as chields. Theese could be files or folders. This is the composite part of the composite pattern (see GoF).
- MediaSearch_File_TreeFactory
- in file TreeFactory.php, class MediaSearch_File_TreeFactory
Constructs a tree of a given root directory. The whole tree is generated recursivle of MediaSearch_File_Abstract objects.
- MediaSearch_File_Util
- in file Util.php, class MediaSearch_File_Util
Pure static class which provides usefull file helper methods.
- MediaSearch_File_Visitor
- in file Visitor.php, class MediaSearch_File_Visitor
Visits a file tree (an object of type MediaSearch_File_Abstract) and colletcts informations into the MediaSearch_Scan_List object.
- MediaSearch_Filter_AbstractChain
- in file AbstractChain.php, class MediaSearch_Filter_AbstractChain
This is a base implementation for chaining single filter objects together.
- MediaSearch_Filter_File_Chain
- in file Chain.php, class MediaSearch_Filter_File_Chain
Concrete implementation of MediaSearch_Filter_AbstractChain for chaining file filters.
- MediaSearch_Filter_File_Interface
- in file Interface.php, class MediaSearch_Filter_File_Interface
This interface speciefiey what objects a file filter can handle and process.
- MediaSearch_Filter_Interface
- in file Interface.php, class MediaSearch_Filter_Interface
Tagging interface
- MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_BlackList
- in file BlackList.php, class MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_BlackList
Removes black listed key words loaded from a config.
- MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_Chain
- in file Chain.php, class MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_Chain
A concrete filter chain implementation to chain key word filters together.
- MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_Interface
- in file Interface.php, class MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_Interface
This interface speciefiey what data a keyword filter can handle and process.
- MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_PathRemover
- in file PathRemover.php, class MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_PathRemover
Removes file name parts from the key word list.
- MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveDuplicates
- in file RemoveDuplicates.php, class MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveDuplicates
Removes duplicated key words.
- MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveNumbers
- in file RemoveNumbers.php, class MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveNumbers
Removes numbers or strings containing numbers.
- MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveShortStrings
- in file RemoveShortStrings.php, class MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveShortStrings
Removes key words shorter than 3 characters.
- MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_ToLowerCase
- in file ToLowerCase.php, class MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_ToLowerCase
Converts all key words to lower case.
- MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_Trim
- in file Trim.php, class MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_Trim
Trims the white spaces from the key words.
- MediaSearch_Id3_Exception
- in file Exception.php, class MediaSearch_Id3_Exception
Exception for the Id3 package.
- MediaSearch_Id3_Tag
- in file Tag.php, class MediaSearch_Id3_Tag
Gives read access to the ID3 tags of a mp3 file.
- MediaSearch_Index_KeyWords
- in file KeyWords.php, class MediaSearch_Index_KeyWords
- MediaSearch_Interface_Command
- in file Command.php, class MediaSearch_Interface_Command
This interface describes the methods for executable command objects.
- MediaSearch_Interface_Factory
- in file Factory.php, class MediaSearch_Interface_Factory
This interface describes the methods for any factory class used in MediaSearch. A Factory is a class which constructs some objects for you. This interface unifies factories.
- MediaSearch_Interface_Visitable
- in file Visitable.php, class MediaSearch_Interface_Visitable
Objects implementing this interface are visitable by any objects implementing the MediaSearch_Interface_Visitor. This interface is part of the visitor pattern implementation in MediaSearch. See GoF for more Information.
- MediaSearch_Interface_Visitor
- in file Visitor.php, class MediaSearch_Interface_Visitor
A visitor is an object which can visit other objects which implements MediaSearch_Interface_Visitable. See visitor pattern from GoF for more Information.
- MediaSearch_Log
- in file Log.php, class MediaSearch_Log
This pure static class provides logging facility.
- MediaSearch_Log_Abstract
- in file Abstract.php, class MediaSearch_Log_Abstract
- MediaSearch_Log_Cli
- in file Cli.php, class MediaSearch_Log_Cli
- MediaSearch_Log_File
- in file File.php, class MediaSearch_Log_File
- MediaSearch_Log_Interface
- in file Interface.php, class MediaSearch_Log_Interface
- MediaSearch_Model_Abstract
- in file Abstract.php, class MediaSearch_Model_Abstract
This model class represents a single file with its metadata.
- MediaSearch_Model_AbstractMapper
- in file AbstractMapper.php, class MediaSearch_Model_AbstractMapper
This model class represents a single file with its metadata.
- MediaSearch_Model_DbTable_Abstract
- in file Abstract.php, class MediaSearch_Model_DbTable_Abstract
Abstract database access object.
- MediaSearch_Model_DbTable_FileMeta
- in file FileMeta.php, class MediaSearch_Model_DbTable_FileMeta
FileMeta table database access object.
- MediaSearch_Model_DbTable_KeyWord
- in file KeyWord.php, class MediaSearch_Model_DbTable_KeyWord
KeyWord table database access object.
- MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta
- in file FileMeta.php, class MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta
This model class represents a single file with its metadata.
- MediaSearch_Model_FileMetaMapper
- in file FileMetaMapper.php, class MediaSearch_Model_FileMetaMapper
Maps the FileMeta model object to the database table object.
- MediaSearch_Model_KeyWord
- in file KeyWord.php, class MediaSearch_Model_KeyWord
This model class represents a single keyword with file meta ids to which files its associated..
- MediaSearch_Model_KeyWordMapper
- in file KeyWordMapper.php, class MediaSearch_Model_KeyWordMapper
Maps the KeyWord model object to the database table object.
- MediaSearch_Scan_FileMeta
- in file FileMeta.php, class MediaSearch_Scan_FileMeta
- MediaSearch_Scan_List
- in file List.php, class MediaSearch_Scan_List
- MediaSearch_Search_Engine
- in file Engine.php, class MediaSearch_Search_Engine
- MediaSearch_Search_Query
- in file Query.php, class MediaSearch_Search_Query
- in file Engine.php, class constant MediaSearch_Search_Engine::MOVIES
- in file Engine.php, class constant MediaSearch_Search_Engine::MUSIC
- onError
- in file AbstractDbApplication.php, method AbstractDbApplication::onError()
If verbosity is given (by option -v) exception messages, errormessgaes or given variables are echoed to the stdout.
- $parsedData
- in file Abstract.php, variable MediaSearch_Config_Abstract::$parsedData
Contains the parsed config data after parsing.
- $pdoConnection
- in file Sql.php, variable MediaSearch_Config_Sql::$pdoConnection
Optional PDO connection obejct. NEccessary for executing the config object on a database.
- Php.php
- procedural page Php.php
- PathRemover.php
- procedural page PathRemover.php
- parse
- in file SplitTextByLineBreak.php, method MediaSearch_Config_ParseOptions_SplitTextByLineBreak::parse()
Expects a string as input and splitts it on any occured line break.
- parse
- in file Interface.php, method MediaSearch_Config_ParseOptions_Interface::parse()
This method is called by the config object to which this parse option was added. Its expects the config data as input to parse. It must return the parsed config data.
- parseData
- in file Json.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Json::parseData()
Parses the data by json_decode() to an array.
- parseData
- in file Interface.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Interface::parseData()
Parses the config string. Depending on the config type.
- parseData
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Abstract::parseData()
The default parse behaviour is copying the loaded file string with no modification to parsed data.
- process
- in file BlackList.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_BlackList::process()
Removes all blacklisted key words (from the loaded config) from the passed input array.
- process
- in file RemoveShortStrings.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveShortStrings::process()
Removes all key word strings shorter than 3 characters.
- process
- in file ToLowerCase.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_ToLowerCase::process()
Lowercases all given key word strings.
- process
- in file Trim.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_Trim::process()
Trims the whitespaces from all given key word strings.
- process
- in file RemoveNumbers.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveNumbers::process()
Removes any numeric key word string or key word strings containing a number.
- process
- in file RemoveDuplicates.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveDuplicates::process()
Removes duplicated key words.
- process
- in file Interface.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_Interface::process()
A keyword filter obejct can handle an array with keyword strings.
- process
- in file Chain.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_Chain::process()
Acceppts an array of key word string and processes each added fileter on this array.
- process
- in file PathRemover.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_PathRemover::process()
Removes all direcotry names occuring in $basePath from the keyword list.
- process
- in file Chain.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_File_Chain::process()
Proceses one single SplFileInfo object on all added filters.
- process
- in file Interface.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_File_Interface::process()
A file filter obejct can handle only one SplFileInfo object for processing.
- ScannerApplication.php
- procedural page ScannerApplication.php
- SplitTextByLineBreak.php
- procedural page SplitTextByLineBreak.php
- Sql.php
- procedural page Sql.php
- save
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Model_Abstract::save()
Save the model object persistent.
- save
- in file KeyWordMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_KeyWordMapper::save()
Saves the given model object persistent.
- save
- in file FileMetaMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMetaMapper::save()
Saves the given model object persistent.
- ScannerApplication
- in file ScannerApplication.php, class ScannerApplication
Scanns the given directory recursivle and gathers file meta informations.
- search
- in file Engine.php, method MediaSearch_Search_Engine::search()
- searchAction
- in file IndexController.php, method IndexController::searchAction()
Search action. Is performed by the clientside java script.
- setConfigDir
- in file ConfigLoader.php, method MediaSearch_ConfigLoader::setConfigDir()
Sets the config directory. Also resets the instance so that the directory index will be regenerated on next get access.
- setCreationDate
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::setCreationDate()
Sets the creation date.
- setDbTable
- in file AbstractMapper.php, method MediaSearch_Model_AbstractMapper::setDbTable()
Sets the database table gateway object.
- setFileMetaIds
- in file KeyWord.php, method MediaSearch_Model_KeyWord::setFileMetaIds()
Sets the file meta ids. They are expected as coma seperated string.
- setFileName
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::setFileName()
Sets the file name.
- setFileName
- in file File.php, method MediaSearch_Log_File::setFileName()
- setFileName
- in file Interface.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Interface::setFileName()
Expects the full filepath to the config file you want to load.
- setFileName
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Abstract::setFileName()
- setFilePath
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::setFilePath()
Sets the file path.
- setFileSize
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::setFileSize()
Sets the file size in bytes.
- setFileType
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::setFileType()
Sets the file type.
- setId
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Model_Abstract::setId()
Sets the unique id. This id need to be unique!
- setInclude
- in file Engine.php, method MediaSearch_Search_Engine::setInclude()
- setKeyWord
- in file KeyWord.php, method MediaSearch_Model_KeyWord::setKeyWord()
Sets the keyword.
- setKeyWords
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::setKeyWords()
Sets the keywords. They are expected as coma seperated list.
- setLastUpdate
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::setLastUpdate()
Sets the last updqate time.
- setLevel
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Log_Abstract::setLevel()
- setLevel
- in file Log.php, method MediaSearch_Log::setLevel()
Sets the global log level. Use anny bitewise combination of the class constants.
- setLevel
- in file Interface.php, method MediaSearch_Log_Interface::setLevel()
- setMapper
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Model_Abstract::setMapper()
Sets the database mappper obejct.
- setModificationDate
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_FileMeta::setModificationDate()
Sets the modofication date.
- setOptions
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Model_Abstract::setOptions()
Sets the object by an associative option array.
- setPdo
- in file Sql.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Sql::setPdo()
Sets PDO object and a database name. Thats neccessary if you want to execute the loaded SQL config on a databse.
- setQuery
- in file Engine.php, method MediaSearch_Search_Engine::setQuery()
- setRootDir
- in file TreeFactory.php, method MediaSearch_File_TreeFactory::setRootDir()
Sets the root directory.
- setUp
- in file AbstractDbApplication.php, method AbstractDbApplication::setUp()
Bootstraps a Zend_Application bject with the config from APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'. Loads the database resource and database name.
- signalInt
- in file AbstractDbApplication.php, method AbstractDbApplication::signalInt()
Aborts the script if ctrl + c is pressed.
- in file Engine.php, class constant MediaSearch_Search_Engine::SOFTWARE
- stripExtension
- in file Util.php, method MediaSearch_File_Util::stripExtension()
Removes the trailing part beginning at the last . in the sting.
- Text.php
- procedural page Text.php
- TreeFactory.php
- procedural page TreeFactory.php
- ToLowerCase.php
- procedural page ToLowerCase.php
- Trim.php
- procedural page Trim.php
- Tag.php
- procedural page Tag.php
- tearDown
- in file ScannerApplication.php, method ScannerApplication::tearDown()
- tearDown
- in file AbstractDbApplication.php, method AbstractDbApplication::tearDown()
Resets the database resource object to null.
- toArray
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Scan_FileMeta::toArray()
- toArray
- in file Engine.php, method MediaSearch_Search_Engine::toArray()
- trace
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Log_Abstract::trace()
- trace
- in file Interface.php, method MediaSearch_Log_Interface::trace()
- in file Log.php, class constant MediaSearch_Log::TRACE
Enables loglevel trace.
- trace
- in file Log.php, method MediaSearch_Log::trace()
Call this method to log a trace message.
- in file Util.php, class constant MediaSearch_File_Util::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file Abstract.php, class constant MediaSearch_Config_Abstract::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file ToLowerCase.php, class constant MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_ToLowerCase::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file RemoveNumbers.php, class constant MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveNumbers::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file Query.php, class constant MediaSearch_Search_Query::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file RemoveDuplicates.php, class constant MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveDuplicates::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file Php.php, class constant MediaSearch_Config_Php::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file PathRemover.php, class constant MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_PathRemover::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file Trim.php, class constant MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_Trim::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file List.php, class constant MediaSearch_Scan_List::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file KeyWords.php, class constant MediaSearch_Index_KeyWords::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file Json.php, class constant MediaSearch_Config_Json::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file Log.php, class constant MediaSearch_Log::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file File.php, class constant MediaSearch_Log_File::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file Text.php, class constant MediaSearch_Config_Text::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file Cli.php, class constant MediaSearch_Log_Cli::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file ConfigLoader.php, class constant MediaSearch_ConfigLoader::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file BlackList.php, class constant MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_BlackList::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file AbstractChain.php, class constant MediaSearch_Filter_AbstractChain::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file Abstract.php, class constant MediaSearch_File_Abstract::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file Abstract.php, class constant MediaSearch_Log_Abstract::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file CreateTablesApplication.php, class constant CreateTablesApplication::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file File.php, class constant MediaSearch_File_File::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file RemoveShortStrings.php, class constant MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_RemoveShortStrings::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file Folder.php, class constant MediaSearch_File_Folder::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file Visitor.php, class constant MediaSearch_File_Visitor::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file ScannerApplication.php, class constant ScannerApplication::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file Sql.php, class constant MediaSearch_Config_Sql::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file SplitTextByLineBreak.php, class constant MediaSearch_Config_ParseOptions_SplitTextByLineBreak::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file IndexerApplication.php, class constant IndexerApplication::TRACE_LELVEL
- in file IndexController.php, class constant IndexController::TRACE_LEVEL
- in file Engine.php, class constant MediaSearch_Search_Engine::TRACE_LEVEL
- in file FileMeta.php, class constant MediaSearch_Scan_FileMeta::TRACE_LEVEL
- in file Chain.php, class constant MediaSearch_Filter_File_Chain::TRACE_LEVEL
- in file TreeFactory.php, class constant MediaSearch_File_TreeFactory::TRACE_LEVEL
- in file Chain.php, class constant MediaSearch_Filter_KeyWords_Chain::TRACE_LEVEL
- in file File.php, class constant MediaSearch_File_File::TYPE_DOCUMENT
File type document: All files with the file name extensions: 'txt', 'pdf', 'odt', 'doc'.
- in file File.php, class constant MediaSearch_File_File::TYPE_IMAGE
File type image: All files with the file name extensions: 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'tif'.
- in file Interface.php, class constant MediaSearch_Config_Interface::TYPE_JSON
Specifies the file extions for json configurations.
- in file File.php, class constant MediaSearch_File_File::TYPE_MOVIE
File type movie: All files with the file name extensions: 'avi', 'mov', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'mp4', 'mkv', 'wmv', 'rm', 'xvid', 'divx', 'mpa', 'm4v', 'ogm', 'sfv'.
- in file File.php, class constant MediaSearch_File_File::TYPE_MUSIC
File type music: All files with the file name extensions: 'mp3', 'wav', 'ogg', 'm4a'.
- in file Interface.php, class constant MediaSearch_Config_Interface::TYPE_PHP
Specifies the file extions for php configurations.
- in file File.php, class constant MediaSearch_File_File::TYPE_SOFTWARE
File type software: All files with the file name extensions: 'exe', 'dmg', 'pkg', 'dpkg', 'xpi'.
- in file Interface.php, class constant MediaSearch_Config_Interface::TYPE_SQL
Specifies the file extions for sql configurations.
- in file Interface.php, class constant MediaSearch_Config_Interface::TYPE_TEXT
Specifies the file extions for text configurations.
- in file File.php, class constant MediaSearch_File_File::TYPE_UNKNOW
Unknown file type
- _initAutoload
- in file Bootstrap.php, method Bootstrap::_initAutoload()
Innitializes the autoloader.
- _initView
- in file Bootstrap.php, method Bootstrap::_initView()
Initializes the view.
- __construct
- in file KeyWords.php, method MediaSearch_Index_KeyWords::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Folder.php, method MediaSearch_File_Folder::__construct()
- __construct
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Scan_FileMeta::__construct()
- __construct
- in file KeyWord.php, method MediaSearch_Model_DbTable_KeyWord::__construct()
Sets the database name to KeyWord.
- __construct
- in file List.php, method MediaSearch_Scan_List::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Visitor.php, method MediaSearch_File_Visitor::__construct()
Generates the MediaSearch_Scan_List object we use to hold the collected informations from the file tree.
- __construct
- in file TreeFactory.php, method MediaSearch_File_TreeFactory::__construct()
Sets the root directory.
- __construct
- in file Tag.php, method MediaSearch_Id3_Tag::__construct()
Gather the tag version from the file.
- __construct
- in file Query.php, method MediaSearch_Search_Query::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Config_Abstract::__construct()
The constructor requires the full filename to the config file.
- __construct
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Model_DbTable_FileMeta::__construct()
Sets the database name to FileMeta.
- __construct
- in file File.php, method MediaSearch_Log_File::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Model_Abstract::__construct()
Can take a associatove array with initial values.
- __construct
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_File_Abstract::__construct()
Requires a filename as string or an SplFileInfo object of a file.
- __construct
- in file Cli.php, method MediaSearch_Log_Cli::__construct()
- __construct
- in file AbstractChain.php, method MediaSearch_Filter_AbstractChain::__construct()
Sets filters to empty array.
- __construct
- in file File.php, method MediaSearch_File_File::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Exception.php, method MediaSearch_Exception::__construct()
Set the default code to MediaSearch_Exception::UNKNOWN.
- __construct
- in file Engine.php, method MediaSearch_Search_Engine::__construct()
- __get
- in file Tag.php, method MediaSearch_Id3_Tag::__get()
- __get
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Model_Abstract::__get()
Set interceptor to access model propertoes.
- __set
- in file Abstract.php, method MediaSearch_Model_Abstract::__set()
Set interceptor to access model propertoes.
- __set
- in file Tag.php, method MediaSearch_Id3_Tag::__set()
Throws permanent a BadEthodCallException because this object is imutable.
- __toString
- in file List.php, method MediaSearch_Scan_List::__toString()
- __toString
- in file FileMeta.php, method MediaSearch_Scan_FileMeta::__toString()